Town of Foster, Town Clerk
Public Notices
Ad textTown of Foster, Town Clerk TOWN OF FOSTER
On January 9, 2025 The Foster Town Council will conduct a Public Hearing at 6:00 PM at 6 South Killingly Road (Benjamin Eddy Building). On the agenda will be discussion/ action of seven (7) Nuisance Ordinances, one (1) Planning Ordinance, and forty-four (44) Zoning Ordinances.
The proposals include additions to the Nuisance Ordinance Sec. 18-33 Purposes; Sec. 18-34 Definitions; Sec. 18-35 Applicability; Sec. 18-36 Criteria; Sec. 18-37 Administration; Sec. 18-38 Enforcement; and Sec. 18-39 Nonconforming lighting. The proposals include an amendment to the Planning Chapter Sec. 24-34 Membership and term; compensation; vacancies.
The proposals include amendments, additions, and removals to the Zoning Ordinance Sec. 38-2 Definitions; Sec. 38-131 Division of town into; enumeration; Sec. 38-191 Table of uses; Sec. 38-192 Dimensional Regulations; Sec. 38-193 Prohibited Uses; Sec. 38-226 Substandard lot of record; Sec. 38-227 Merger of substandard lot of record; Sec. 38-228 Lawfully existing or established buildings, structures, or uses of land; Sec. 38-231 Nonconforming by dimension; Sec. 38-236 Change of use; Sec. 38-237 Enlargement; Sec. 38-272 Yard Exceptions; Sec. 38-273 Corner Lots; Sec. 38-277 Sewerage Disposal; Sec. 38-280 Manufactured homes; Sec. 38-282 Development standards for accessory family dwelling units; Sec. 38-286 Off-street Parking Requirements; Sec. 38-287 Off- street loading requirements; Sec. 38-289 Historic cemeteries; Sec. 38-291 Regulations pertaining to communications towers and antennas; Sec. 38-292 Solar Installations; Sec. 38-293 Stone wall protection and preservation; Sec. 38-301 Multiple structures on one lot; Sec. 38-321 - Procedure generally and issuance of modifications; Sec. 38-322 Applicability of article; Sec. 38-323 - Standards for granting special-use permits; Sec. 38- 324 - Issuance of variances and special-use permits; Sec. 38-325 Unified development review; Sec. 38-326 - Dimensional variance in conjunction with special-use permit; Sec. 38-327 - Specific and objective criteria for categories of special-use permits; Sec. 38-356 Residential Compounds; Sec. 38-357 Development standards for general business (GB) development; Sec. 38-358 Development standards for Highway Commercial 2 development; Sec. 38-359 Land development projects; Sec. 38-386 Requirements and purpose of article; Sec. 38-387 Preapplication conference; Sec. 38-388 Contents of Site Plan; Sec. 38-390 Site plan for accessory dwelling units; Sec. 38-394 Formal development plan review; Sec. 38-395 Administrative development plan review; Sec. 38-467 Development not requiring planning board or zoning board approval; Sec. 38-468 Development requiring planning board approval; Sec. 38-469 Development requiring zoning board approval; Sec. 38-470 Development requiring both planning and zoning approval.
Copies of the proposed amendments, additions, and removals can be found online at Copies can also be obtained from the Foster Planning Office during regular business hours. The proposed amendments, additions, and removals may be altered or amended prior to the close of the public hearing without further advertising, as a result of further study or because of the views expressed at the public hearing. Any alteration or amendment must be presented for comment in the course of the hearing.
Individuals requiring interpreter service must notify the Town Clerks Office at (401) 392- 9200 at least 72 hours in advance of the hearing date.
By order of the Planning Board, Susan M. Dillon, Town Clerk